Ministerial Staff

The Ministerial Staff works in concert with the pastor in implementing assigned ministerial duties and responsibilities. The group supports, undergirds and serves as extended arms of the pastoral office; Serves as the internal infrastructure of the ministry consisting of dedicated elders, ministers, evangelists, deacons and aspiring missionaries who have accepted the call of God and the mission of the Church of Jesus Christ to faithfully serve the people of God.


Oversees select administrative and spiritual matters of the church; are ministry assistants and serve the congregation as assigned. Promotes unity of fellowship; assist in executing the Ordinances of the church, and handles membership concerns and assignments as delegated by the pastor.


The Department of Missions provides substance, support and care to persons of less fortunate means within the church and community. In compliance with established policies and procedures, the mission program annually serves both local (home) and foreign mission projects. 


The Department of Evangelism is the outreach arm of the ministry. This Department is responsible for carrying the Gospel beyond the walls of the church into the highways and hedges compelling men and women to a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.

Bible Church School

The Bible Church School's mission is to teach the word of God to all. We are supplying the tools needed to the youth as well as adults to share the word; to invite others to class and to hear the Word. We are also helping the class attendees to search through the Bible and to use it as a reference to live Holy in all aspects of their lives. We explain the gift of salvation and pray with attendees so that they can ask God into their heart. In addition, our Vacation Bible School reaches out into the community.

Young People’s Holy Association (Y.P.H.A.)

The Mission of the Y.P.H.A. is to teach the young members (ages 4-17) about the Lord Jesus Christ and the ministry of the church. This ministry labors to discover and cultivate the gifts and talents of these young people that they may be used by God to advance the Kingdom.